Chargers Athletics are enthusiastically supported by the Isle of Wight Academy Athletic Association. The Athletic Association is composed of parents, alumni, and fans that have an interest in supporting the young people that are involved in athletic programs at the Academy.
Along with gate receipts, fundraisers such as the fruit sale, BBQ, and golf tournament are held throughout the year to raise funds necessary to support IWA’s successful athletic programs. The funds raised by the Athletic Association help to purchase equipment, uniforms, and other materials that are necessary to support all the athletic programs.
All parents who have a child participating in athletics at IWA are considered to be members of the Association and are encouraged to attend the meetings and get involved.
Griffin Williams
Travis Dortch
Vice President
Tracy Chapman
Erica Zyliak
Athletic Association meetings are held the first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Everyone is encouraged to attend these meetings and become involved in IWA Athletics.