Isle of Wight Academy is an independent, non-sectarian co-educational college preparatory day school that was founded in 1967.
IWA is accredited by the Virginia Independent Schools Association (VISA), the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), and the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS).
Isle of Wight Academy
School colors: Red and white
Nickname: “Chargers”
Professional and Athletic Memberships:
- The Association of Virginia Academies (AVA)
- Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association

The course of study in grades K-7 includes arithmetic, English, health, reading, science, social studies, and writing. In grades K-7, enrichment programs are offered that include art, band, pep band, computers, music, physical education, world studies, library, and study skills. Grades kindergarten through fourth are taught in self-contained traditional classrooms and grades five through seven are departmentalized.
In the upper school, college preparatory program electives are offered in English, Spanish, French, science, computer science, social studies, and fine arts. The traditional approach to education is practiced in the classrooms. Teachers strive to diversify instruction to meet the individual needs of students. Curriculum and books are evaluated periodically and updated as needed.
In the Upper School, advanced placement and dual credit courses are offered to our 11th and 12th-grade students. These courses are currently offered in the subject areas of English, Spanish, French, US History, Government, Statistics, Economics, and Linear Algebra. On average, 85% of the juniors, and 90% of the seniors are enrolled in one or more of these courses.
Extracurricular Opportunities:
Extracurricular Activities
Isle of Wight Academy maintains the following extracurricular activities: Student Cooperative Organizations (lower and upper school), National and National Junior Honor Societies, French club, Spanish club, Science club, Key club, History club, Scholastic Bowl team, Forensics club, band, Drama club, Regional Battle of the Brains team, Envirothon team, and Science Bowl team.
The school sponsors a student yearbook. The school sponsors the following varsity and junior varsity sports: football, basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball, cross country, soccer, golf, and winter and fall cheerleading.
Over 80 faculty and staff members; average years of teaching experience: approximately 16 years; Student to teacher ratio: average upper school class is less than 18 students; average middle school class is 19 students; average lower school class is 16 students.
707 students in preschool through the twelfth grade; 240 students in the Upper School; 116 students in Middle School; 281 students in Lower School; 70 students in Preschool; 44 students in the Class of 2024. Traditionally, one or more exchange students stay with Academy host parents each academic year, adding to school diversity.
Student admission is based on admissions testing administered by either the Director of Admission or Guidance Counselor. Isle of Wight Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin.
Academic Calendar
The IWA calendar consists of two semesters of two equal quarters, with midyear and final exams. The school day runs from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm with six periods. Students attend 6 academic bells a day in addition to before/after school extracurricular activities.
Mission Statement
“A Family Inspiring Excellence”
IWA provides the opportunity for students to become self-reliant, self-disciplined individuals who will be life-long learners, who will be able to respond and adapt to an ever-changing world.
Isle of Wight Academy accepts students of average or above average ability and develops them to their fullest potential by providing a quality program, which will build the student mentally, physically and spiritually. The school emphasizes the honor, integrity, social development, and citizenship of the student.