Try Goodsearch instead of Google!
Think about how many times a day you Google. Five times, 10 times, 25 times? Imagine if every time you logged on and looked up the caloric content of the snack you just ate, or searched for an item at a local store, or checked your bank account….you just earned money for our school. With each search you launch on about 1 cent goes to our school! We all know that every penny counts!
Goodsearch works the same way as Google. When you log on to just select Isle of Wight Academy, Isle of Wight, VA from the list of charities and then proceed with your search. It’s that easy! Then tell all your friends, tell your friends to tell their friends and so on. You can set Goodsearch as your homepage. Directions to do this can be found at
You can also use Goodshop and help IWA. When you want to shop online, go to and click on the retailer you want or type their name in the search box. There are 100s of retailers including favorites like Amazon, JCPenney, Macy, Express, Bass Pro, Lands’ End, and Bath and Body Works. When you shop this way, IWA will get a percentage back for your total purchase.