Would you like to know how you can be a member of the IWA Legacy Society?
Being a member of the Isle of Wight Academy Legacy Society means committing to helping strengthen the future of our school through a deferred gift. These deferred gift opportunities may include remembering IWA with a legacy gift through an IRA, charitable trust, life insurance, real estate or bequest.
Donors who choose to create a charitable legacy through a planned or estate gift are making one of the most meaningful commitments they can by strengthening the future of our school. A legacy gift to Isle of Wight Academy helps to ensure that we remain “A Family Inspiring Excellence.”
If you have made provisions for Isle of Wight Academy in your will/estate plans or have questions about becoming a member of our Legacy Society, please contact Glenie Jones at Isle of Wight Academy (gleniejones@iwacademy.com or 357-3866).