
Isle of Wight Academy offers a full athletic program. The IWA Chargers can routinely be found at the forefront of any athletic competition with many students going on to further competition on the collegiate level.

Isle of Wight Academy Cheer 2023
Johnson-Lambe Company

Order through Nov 5

Isle of Wight Academy Basketball 2023
Johnson-Lambe Company

Order through Nov 5

Isle of Wight Academy Apparel 2023
School Spirit Store

Order through Nov 8

Apparel Sites

IWA Charger gear is online! You can order IWA gear or sport specific: basketball, cheer, or track gear. Sport specific gear sites close Nov 10th. School wide site closes Nov 20th. 

Sports offered at IWA

Virginia Colonial Conference (VCC)

Member Schools

Isle of Wight Academy, Amelia Academy, Brunswick Academy, Blessed Sacrament-Huguenot School, Fuqua School, Kenston Forest School, Richmond Christian School, Southhampton Academy, Steward School and Tidewater Academy

VISAA Schools and Addresses